Programme d’avancement de la recherche sur les normes d’accessibilité : Appel de financement – Invitation à soumettre une demande de financement
Sur cette page
- Guide pour remplir la demande
- Aperçu
- Calendrier du projet
- Date limite des demandes
- Raison d’être du programme
- Objectifs du programme
- Organismes admissibles
- Domaines prioritaires de recherche
- Exigences de partenariats
- Activités de recherche admissibles
- Budget du projet
- Comment présenter une demande
- Évaluation
- Décisions relatives au financement
- À quoi s’attendre si vous recevez du financement
- Glossaire
Submission deadline
We must receive your application and other requested documents by 3:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on January 13, 2025. If we receive it after the deadline, we won’t consider it.
Accommodation requests: If you need accommodations to complete your application, email us at by December 13, 2024.
Send your questions by email to
Guide pour remplir la demande
La première étape de cet appel de financement est maintenant terminée. Normes d’accessibilité Canada a évalué toutes les déclarations d’intérêt soumises. Nous invitons maintenant les organismes choisis à soumettre une demande détaillée pour le financement de la recherche. Ceci est la dernière étape de cet appel de financement.
Quelques-unes des questions dans ce processus de demande pourraient être semblables à celles demandées à l’étape de la déclaration d’intérêt. Vous avez ici l’opportunité de nous fournir plus de détails sur le projet de recherche que vous proposez.
Il est important de prendre le temps d’examiner les exigences du programmes décrites ci-dessous pour que vous puissiez nous dire comment vous allez y répondre. Cela pourrait dire vous devrez préciser des détails ou des activités indiqués dans votre déclaration d’intérêt.
L’invitation à présenter une demande ne garantit pas l’octroi d’un financement. Nous utiliserons les informations soumises dans cette demande pour évaluer votre projet proposé et pour prendre nos décisions de financement.
Calendrier du projet
Votre projet de recherche ne peut commencer avant le mois d’avril 2024 et doit prendre fin au plus tard le 31 mars 2027.
Si nous finançons votre projet, vous devez fournir un rapport de recherche en français et en anglais, dans un format accessible. Vous devez aussi fournir un résumé du rapport de recherche en langage clair et simple, en français et en anglais. Vous devez publier ces documents en ligne et les soumettre à Normes d’accessibilité Canada au plus tard à la date de fin du projet. Veuillez garder cette information à l’esprit lorsque vous planifiez le calendrier de votre projet.
Date limite des demandes
Normes d’accessibilité Canada doit recevoir votre demande et tout autres documents demandés avant le 12 janvier 2024 à 15 h (heure normale de l’Est). Nous n’accepterons aucune demande reçue après cette date.
Si vous avez besoin de mesures d’adaptation pour remplir votre déclaration d’intérêt, envoyez un courriel à Vous devez envoyer votre courriel avant le 8 décembre 2023.
Raison d’être du programme
Le but du programme est de financer des projets de recherche qui serviront à éclairer l’élaboration de la prochaine génération de normes d’accessibilité. Il s’agit de normes modèles qui s’appliqueront aux domaines de compétence fédérale. Votre projet de recherche doit respecter cet objectif et aider à identifier, prévenir et éliminer les obstacles à l’accessibilité.
Le programme exige que les projets incluent la participation de personnes en situation de handicap, de membre de la communauté de l’accessibilité et d’autres experts et d’autres organisations dans le domaine de l’accessibilité ou autres domaines.
Les projets doivent être inclusifs. Tous doivent pouvoir prendre part à leur projet, peu importe leurs besoins.
Exemples de champs de compétence fédérale :
- Les programmes, les services et les activités du gouvernement du Canada
- Les immeubles fédéraux et les parcs nationaux
- Certaines organisations du secteur privé, telles que celles qui opèrent dans les domaines suivants :
- les banques
- les services de radiodiffusion et de télécommunication
- les services de transport routier qui traversent les frontières provinciales ou internationales
- Tout autre secteur d’activité où le gouvernement fédéral a intérêt à faire progresser l’accessibilité
Objectifs du programme
Votre projet doit contribuer aux objectifs du programme :
- Collaborer avec divers organismes et diverses personnes à travers le Canada pour faire avancer la recherche sur les normes d’accessibilité afin d’aider à la création d’un réseau national d’experts en matière d’accessibilité.
- Consulter des personnes en situation de handicap, d’autres experts et d’autres organisations en vue d'orienter les plans de recherche.
- Repérer et diffuser des travaux de recherche, de l'information, des pratiques exemplaires et des outils portant sur les obstacles et les normes en matière d'accessibilité.
Organismes admissibles
Cet appel de demandes de financement s’adresse à toutes les organisations canadiennes qui sont des entités juridiques au Canada. Pour être admissible, votre organisation doit faire partie d’au moins 1 des catégories suivantes :
- un établissement de recherche ou d'enseignement (comme une université)
- un organisme sans but lucratif
- un organisme autochtone, y compris un conseil de bande ou tribal ou autre organisme autonome
- un organisme municipal (local)
- un organisme provincial ou territorial (sauf les gouvernements provinciaux ou territoriaux)
Votre organisme est-il situé au Québec? Si nous acceptons le projet que vous proposez, vous devrez obtenir l’approbation du gouvernement du Québec avant de pouvoir accepter notre financement. Veuillez consulter la Loi sur le ministère du Conseil exécutif. Vous devrez communiquer avec les autorités compétentes pour recevoir cette approbation.
Domaines prioritaires de recherche
Pour être admissible, votre projet doit porter sur au moins 1 des domaines prioritaires de recherche suivants. Nous expliquons ces priorités dans le glossaire.
- l’accessibilité au sein des communautés nordiques qui tient compte des aspects culturels et climatiques
- l’acquisition de biens, de services et d’installations
- la communication, autre que les technologies de l’information et des communications
- les communications équitables pour la communauté Sourde et Sourde-Aveugle
- la conception et la prestation de programmes et de services
- l’emploi
- l’environnement bâti
- l’intersectionnalité et les obstacles intersectionnels
- la mobilisation efficace des personnes en situation de handicap dans le processus d’élaboration de normes
- les technologies de l’information et des communications
- le transport
Les domaines prioritaires de recherche choisis doivent concorder avec celles que vous avez identifié dans votre déclaration d’intérêt. Si vous avez modifié votre domaine prioritaire de recherche, ou vous en avez ajouté, vous devez justifier ce choix dans votre demande de financement.
Exigences de partenariats
Pour être admissible, vous devez établir des partenariats pour vous aider à mener votre recherche. Vous devriez vous associer à des partenaires de différents secteurs et de différentes disciplines. Ils doivent favoriser la création de réseaux nationaux d’expertise en matière d’accessibilité. Les partenariats de recherche doivent aussi encourager la participation des personnes en situation de handicap.
Le montant du financement que vous recherchez dicte le nombre de partenariats à établir :
- Si vous faites une demande de 100 000 $ ou moins par année financière, vous devez avoir au moins 1 organisme partenaire.
- Si vous faites une demande de plus de 100 000 $ par année financière, vous devez avoir au moins 2 organismes partenaires. L’un de ces partenaires doit être un organisme national de personnes en situation de handicap.
- Si vous êtes une organisation autochtone ou un organisme national de personnes en situation de handicap (voir les définitions ci-dessous), l’un de votre partenaire n’a pas besoin d’être un organisme national de personnes en situation de handicap.
Organisme national : Une organisation qui a un mandat national et qui mène des activités dans au moins 4 provinces ou territoires. Elle peut le faire en partenariat avec d’autres organismes ou avoir des bureaux provinciaux ou territoriaux.
Organisme pour les personnes en situation de handicap : Une organisation qui œuvre principalement à la défense, à la recherche et aux produits dans le domaine du handicap.
Organisation autochtone : Un conseil de bande, un conseil tribal ou autre entité autoadministrée
Activités de recherche admissibles
Voici des exemples d’activités de recherche :
- évaluer les connaissances actuelles et identifier les lacunes qui existent dans les domaines prioritaires de recherche pour soutenir la prochaine génération d’élaboration de normes.
- mener des recherches qui éclaireront l’élaboration de normes dans les domaines prioritaires.
- examiner, évaluer et synthétiser les données probantes actuelles sur les normes d’accessibilité dans 1 ou plusieurs domaines prioritaires.
- identifier les lacunes dans les données probantes et les sources de pratiques exemplaires. Cela doit soutenir l’élaboration de la prochaine génération de normes d’accessibilité.
- examiner les normes d’accessibilité actuellement en place au Canada. Il s’agit notamment d’examiner la manière dont les personnes et les organismes les utilisent et les résultats obtenus grâce à ces normes.
- faire avancer la recherche pour augmenter les connaissances et produire des données dans les domaines de responsabilité fédérale.
- comprendre l’expérience vécue des personnes en situation de handicap.
- comprendre ce que veut dire « accessibilité » dans les domaines de recherche prioritaires.
- faire avancer la recherche sur les expériences, la compréhension et la signification que les personnes en situation de handicap ont au sujet de l’accessibilité dans les domaines prioritaires.
- se concentrer sur d’autres activités de recherche qui supportent les objectifs du programme
- formuler des recommandations ou des pratiques exemplaires.
Votre projet de recherche doit aussi prévoir des activités qui :
- mobilisent les partenariats entre les secteurs ou les disciplines
- favorisent la création d’un réseau national d’expertise en matière d’accessibilité
- encouragent la participation des personnes en situation de handicap au programme de recherche
- partagent les résultats de recherche avec de nombreux intervenants de manière compréhensible et utile. Cette activité vise à assurer que l’élaboration de normes repose sur de la recherche factuelle
Activités non admissibles
- les principales activités que votre organisme mène actuellement
- l’amélioration d’outils ou de méthodes particulières à votre organisation
- les projets d’infrastructure locale ou de rénovation
- l’élaboration de normes
- Dans le cadre de ce programme, une norme correspond à un règlement qu’un organisme certifié d’élaboration de normes a élaboré et mis en place. Les projets de recherche, pour leur part, aident à soutenir et à éclairer les normes d’accessibilité et non à élaborer des normes.
- le développement d’outils pour utiliser les résultats de la recherche. Les cartes, les applications, la technologie, les guides d’audit ainsi que les guides et les activités de formation sont des exemples d’outils.
Budget du projet
Dans le cadre de cet appel, vous devez remplir et soumettre un modèle de budget détaillé. Vous devez indiquer les sommes de financement nécessaire pour chaque année financière de votre projet. Votre budget doit être détaillé. Vous devez y indiquer:
- le montant de financement requis pour chaque catégorie de dépense
- pour quelle activité les fonds sont requis
- comment vous avez calculé chaque montant demandé
Dépenses admissibles
Voici la liste des catégories de dépenses admissibles. Veuillez l’utiliser pour démontrer les coûts de votre projet. Tous les coûts doivent être directement liés aux activités du projet.
- Frais généraux. Cela comprend les coûts liés aux fonctions administratives de l’organisme pour soutenir les activités du projet. Par exemple, les frais postaux, le service téléphonique, la technologie de l’information (TI) ou l’aide fournie par le siège social constituent des frais généraux. Les frais généraux ne doivent pas dépasser 15 % du financement total demandé.
- Honoraires et services professionnels. Cela comprend les frais pour les consultants, les partenaires, les chercheurs, le soutien TI d’une tierce partie, l’expertise technique, la facilitation, l’évaluation et la communication du rendement et l’audit.
- Les projets qui reçoivent plus de 300 000 $ de financement doivent soumettre des états financiers vérifiés à la fin du projet. Une tierce partie doit effectuer cette vérification. Les coûts associés à cet audit sont une dépense admissible et doivent faire partie du budget.
- Salaires et, avantages sociaux des employés, des assistants de recherche et des travailleurs occasionnels.
- Indemnisation en remplacement du salaire. Il s’agit du montant dépensé pour remplacer temporairement un employé qui travaille à votre projet. Cette indemnisation s’élève à au plus 50 % du salaire de l’employé remplacé pour chaque année du projet.
- Coûts de formation du personnel et de perfectionnement professionnel.
- Coûts liés aux participants (par exemple, les coûts de mesures d’adaptation pour inciter les personnes en situation de handicap à participer aux activités de recherche, tout honoraire versé aux participants, etc.).
- Coûts des matériaux, de l’équipement et des fournitures.
- Frais d’impression et de communication.
- Vous devez soumettre un rapport de recherche et un résumé pour chaque projet. Ces deux documents doivent être en anglais et en français, dans un format accessible. Le résumé doit également être rédigé en langage clair et simple. Les coûts associés, comme la traduction et la révision en langage clair et simple, constituent des dépenses admissibles. Votre budget doit comprendre ces coûts.
- Frais de déplacements (Il faut obtenir une approbation à l’avance pour effectuer des voyages à l’étranger.)
Dépenses non admissibles
Les dépenses qui ne contribuent pas directement aux résultats du projet ne sont pas admissibles. Nous décrivons certaines de ces dépenses ci-dessous.
- Les coûts associés :
- au soutien des opérations essentielles de votre organisation
- à l’amélioration des activités, des outils, des processus ou des lignes directrices de votre organisation
- Le salaire et les avantages sociaux des employés qui ne contribuent pas aux activités du projet
- Les frais professionnels, comme les cotisations syndicales, les frais d’adhésion annuels et les frais de certification
- Les dépenses associées aux boissons alcoolisées ou au cannabis
- Le coût d’un terrain ou d’un immeuble
- Les salaires de chercheurs qui occupent un poste universitaire dans un établissement postsecondaire. Vous ne pouvez également pas réclamer l’indemnisation de remplacement de salaire pour ces personnes.
Contributions en argent et en nature
Dans le modèle de budget détaillé, vous devez identifier toutes les contributions que vous recevez pour le projet et leur valeur. Les contributions sont des appuis financiers ou en nature que vous recevez, autre le financement de Normes d’accessibilité Canada, et qui sont essentiels pour la réussite du projet. Vous pouvez recevoir des contributions de différentes sources:
- Votre propre organisme
- D’autres organismes
- Vos partenaires de projet
- Des individus
Des fonds reçus d’autres sources de financement sont également considérés comme des contributions.
Toute contributions que vous recevez de la part d’organismes externes doivent être accompagnées d’une lettre confirmant la contribution.
Les contributions en argents doivent couvrir les coûts associés à votre projet et ses activités. Les coûts financés doivent être directement associés à l’atteinte des objectifs du projet.
Les contributions en nature sont considérées comme des contributions réelles au projet, mais ne sont pas remboursables. Les contributions en nature peuvent être, par exemple, le temps et le salaire d’un expert, des services rendus, ou des biens contribués au projet. Les salaires d’individus occupant des postes universitaires qui travaillent sur le projet doivent être comptabilisés comme des contributions en nature.
Plafond de l’aide gouvernementale
Si nous approuvons votre demande, le montant total que vous recevrez de nous et de toute autre agence gouvernementale (fédérale, provinciale, territoriale ou municipale) ne peut dépasser 100 % du total des coûts admissibles pour le projet.
Comment présenter une demande
1. Téléchargez le formulaire de demande et du modèle de budget détaillé dans le format de votre choix en vue de les compléter.
Formulaire de demande :
- Formulaire de demande en format Word (docx)
- Formulaire de demande en format PDF (disponible bientôt)
Modèle de budget détaillé
- Modèle de budget détaillé en format Word (docx)
- Modèle de budget détaillé en format Excel
- Modèle de budget détaillé en format PDF
2. Obtenez des lettres de partenariat
Chaque partenaire de votre projet doit vous fournir une lettre qui explique leurs rôles et responsabilités au sein du projet. Cette lettre doit également indiquer la valeur de la contribution en argent ou en nature qu’ils offrent au projet.
3. Obtenez des lettres confirmant les contributions en argent et en nature d’autres sources
Chaque autre source de contribution doit soumettre une lettre confirmant la valeur de la contribution en argent ou en nature qu’ils offrent au projet.
4. Soumettez tous les documents requis par courriel
Documents requis
- Formulaire de demande rempli
- Modèle de budget détaillé rempli
- Lettres de partenariat
- Lettre confirmant les contributions en argent ou en nature d’autres sources, le cas échéant
Envoyez les documents requis dûment rempli par courriel à L’envoi de votre courriel doit être daté au plus tard le 12 janvier 2024 à 15 h (heure normale de l’Est).
Vous recevrez une confirmation automatique par courriel que nous avons reçu vos documents de demande. Vérifiez votre boîte de pourriel si vous n’avez pas reçu la confirmation dans les 24 heures après avoir soumis votre déclaration.
Normes d’accessibilité Canada évaluera toutes les demandes reçues, incluant les formulaires de demande, les modèles de budget détaillés et autres documents pertinents. L’évaluation portera sur :
- la mesure dans laquelle les activités proposées appuient le but, les objectifs et les priorités du programme
- la nécessité des activités proposées
- les compétences et les antécédents du demandeur
- la démonstration du soutien ou du financement nécessaire au succès du projet
- l’optimisation des ressources
Nous communiquerons les résultats de cette évaluation à toutes les organisations d’ici mars 2024. Nous prévoyons finaliser le processus et avoir des ententes de financement signées pour le début des projets en avril 2024.
Envoyez vos questions à
Décisions relatives au financement
Normes d’accessibilité Canada détermine l’admissibilité de chaque demande, de chaque projet, et de toutes les dépenses liées au projet.
Toutes les décisions concernant l’admissibilité et l’approbation du financement sont définitives.
Purpose of this program
This program funds research projects that inform the development of next-generation accessibility standards. These standards fall within federal areas of responsibility*. Your research project must align with this purpose and help identify, remove, and prevent barriers to accessibility.
Your project must involve:
- people with disabilities, people with lived experience or both
- experts with disabilities
- other subject experts and organizations
Your project must also be inclusive so that anyone can participate, regardless of their needs.
*Examples of federal areas of responsibility:
- Government of Canada programs, services, and activities
- federal buildings and national parks
- certain private sector organizations in areas such as:
- banking
- broadcasting and telecommunications
- road transportation services that cross provincial or international borders
- any other sector where the federal government has an interest in advancing accessibility
Program objectives
Objective 1: Work with different people and organizations across Canada to move accessibility standards research forward. This is to help create a national network of accessibility expertise.
This includes fostering collaboration with others. This is one of the goals of having project partners. Project partners should be from different sectors and/or disciplines.
Objective 2: Involve people with disabilities, other experts, and organizations in every aspect of the research. This means you should include people with disabilities in all aspects of your research project, including lead researchers, project managers, participants, etc.
Objective 3: Identify and share research, information, best practices, and tools about accessibility barriers and standards.
This includes facilitating the sharing of research results with diverse stakeholders.The goal is to ensure that evidence-based research is used to inform standards development.
B. Submission requirements
Important: The project you propose in this application must match the project outlined in your expression of interest. You must also meet all submission requirements. These are outlined below. Please review all requirements carefully.
Eligible organizations
This call for applications is open to selected Canadian organizations that are legal entities in Canada. To be eligible, your organization must fit into 1 or more of the following categories:
- research or educational institution (such as a university)
- not-for-profit organization
- Indigenous organization, including a band or tribal council or other self-governing entity
- provincial or territorial organization (excluding provincial or territorial governments)
Is your organization located in Québec? If we accept your research project, you must get approval from the government of Québec to accept our funding. Refer to the Act Respecting the Ministère du Conseil Exécutif.
Project timeline
Your research project should start no earlier than April 2025 and must be completed by March 31, 2028.
Project deliverables
Funded organizations must submit 2 reports:
- a research report (report on the findings of your research project)
- an executive summary of the research project
- You must write the executive summary in plain language
Both reports must be:
- submitted in both English and French
- submitted in an accessible format
- posted online and publicly available for free
Accessibility Standards Canada must receive your reports no later than the project end date. Therefore, make sure you allow enough time for translation and formatting.
For more information on reporting requirements if you receive funding, refer to “What to expect if you receive funding” below.
Maximum funding amount
The amount of money you request per fiscal year of your project must not exceed the amounts you provided in your expression of interest.
Priority research areas
To be eligible, your project must focus on at least 1 priority area.
The priority research areas you choose should match the ones you have identified in your expression of interest. If you’re modifying or expanding your priority research areas, you need to explain the reason in your application.
All the priority areas listed below are explained in the glossary of terms.
For this funding cycle, we have identified the following specific priority research areas for funding:
- the effect of climate change on people with disabilities
- the impact of legal capacity on access to federal or federally regulated programs and services
- office furniture and its design
- plain language in contract writing
- travel experience at the federal level; for example, travel by air, train, ferry, and bus (when the bus or ferry route crosses a provincial border), including the experience of people with cognitive disabilities
We will also consider projects that fit under other priority areas identified in section 5 of the Accessible Canada Act. These are:
- the built environment
- communication, other than information and communication technologies
- design and delivery of programs and services
- employment
- information and communication technologies
- procurement of goods, services, and facilities
- transportation
Partnerships requirements
You must engage in partnerships to help you deliver your research. You should aim to find partners in various sectors and disciplines. These partnerships must foster the creation of a national network of accessibility expertise. They must also encourage the participation of people with disabilities in your research.
Project partners must play an active role. An active partner:
- uses their expertise to advance the research project
- has specific duties that have a direct impact on the findings
- brings something tangible to your project through defined roles and activities
For example, if a partner’s role is to only share surveys and disseminate research reports, they aren’t an active partner. This is because they aren’t using their expertise and have no impact on the research findings. They’re serving only as a dissemination tool.
Minimum number of partnerships
The minimum number of partnerships required depends on the amount of funding you’re requesting:
- if you’re asking for $100,000 or less per fiscal year, you must partner with at least 1 other organization
- if you’re asking for more than $100,000 per fiscal year, you must partner with at least 2 other organizations. One of these must be a national disability organization
If your organization is an Indigenous or a national disability organization (as defined below), 1 of your partners doesn’t have to be a national disability organization.
National organization: An organization with a national mandate that conducts activities in 4 or more provinces or territories. It may work in partnership with other organizations or have offices in different provinces or territories.
Disability organization: An organization that prioritizes disability advocacy, research, and products.
Indigenous organization: This includes bands, tribal councils, and other self-governing entities.
How to apply
1. Download and complete the application form and budget detail template
a) Application form
The application form is available in the following formats:
- Microsoft Word (docx):
- with embedded answer fields (this format may not work with some screen readers)
- without embedded answer fields
b) Budget detail template
The budget templates are available in 3 formats: Excel (xlsx), PDF and Microsoft Word (docx).
- If you use the Excel or PDF templates, the subtotals and totals are calculated automatically.
- If you use the Word template, you must calculate the subtotals and totals manually.
Option 1: Condensed template
This template allows you to enter the expenses for all the fiscal years of the project in 1 table for each cost category.
- Excel
- Microsoft Word (docx)
Option 2: Per-year template
If you use this template, you will enter your expenses separately for each fiscal year of your project. The tables in this template are simpler and may work better with screen readers.
- Excel
- Microsoft Word (docx)
2. Obtain partnership letters
Every partner or collaborator you list in your application must provide a letter. In their letter, the partner must state:
- their name
- their roles and responsibilities in the project
- the amount of their cash contributions, if any
- the in-kind value of the goods or services they’re providing, if applicable
We need your partners to provide these details to ensure they match the information in your application form and budget template.
3. Obtain letters from any other sources that are providing cash and in-kind contributions
Every source that provides cash funding or in-kind contributions to your project must submit a letter. In the letter, they must confirm the value of the contribution and/or the nature of the goods and/or services they’re providing. We need them to do this to confirm their information matches the details in your budget detail template.
Refer to the “Cash and in-kind contributions” section for more information.
4. Submit all required documents by email
Send the following to us by email:
- the completed application form
- the completed budget detail template
- letters from your partners
- letter(s) confirming cash and/or in-kind contributions received from other sources, if any
Email all documents to Your email must be dated no later than 3:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on January 13, 2026.
An automatic email will be sent to you confirming that we received your documents. Please check your spam folder if you haven’t received this confirmation within 24 hours after sending your documents.
Other useful information
Eligible research activities
The following are examples of possible research activities:
- assessing current knowledge and identifying gaps in priority research areas to help develop the next generation of standards
- performing research that will inform standards development in priority areas
- reviewing, assessing, and summarizing existing body of evidence on accessibility standards in 1 or more priority areas
- identifying gaps in evidence and best practices. This should support the development of new standards
- looking at current accessibility standards in Canada including how they are used and what they have achieved.
- advancing research to increase knowledge and generate data in federal areas of responsibility
- understanding the lived experiences of people with disabilities
- understanding what accessibility means in the priority research areas
- advancing research on the experiences, understandings, and perspectives of people with disabilities in priority areas
- conducting other research activities that support the program’s goal
- developing recommendations or best practices
Your project must also include activities that:
- foster collaboration across sectors and/or disciplines
- support the creation of a national network of accessibility expertise
- encourage the participation of people with disabilities in the research agenda
- facilitating the sharing of the research results with diverse stakeholders in a way that is understandable and useful
Ineligible activities
- Main activities of your organization
- Improvement of tools or methods that are specific to your organization
- Local infrastructure or renovation projects
- Development of standards
- In this program, a standard is a regulation developed and put in place by a certified standard development body
- That is why research projects can aim to support and inform accessibility standards but can’t be aimed at developing them
- Development of tools that use the research results including:
- maps
- apps
- technology
- audit guides
- training guides and activities
Eligible expenses
The budget detail template lists the types of eligible expenses and what each type means. It also includes a list of ineligible expenses. Please review this information carefully.
Things to consider when planning your budget:
- If you receive more than $300,000 in total funding, you must submit audited financial statements at the end of the project
- The audit must be done by an independent third party who is a licensed and public accountant
- Include auditing costs in the budget for the last fiscal year of the project as they are eligible expenses
- At the end of the project, you must submit a final research report and an executive summary (refer to the “Deliverables” section)
- Include cost related to translation, plain language editing, and accessibility in the budget for the last fiscal year of the project as they are eligible expenses.
- Participants who contribute to your project should be compensated fairly
- Include honoraria in your budget, and plan for costs to remove barriers to their participation such as accommodations
Cash and in-kind contributions
Contributions are cash or in-kind support you receive outside Accessibility Standards Canada’s funding. They are essential to the project’s success. Contributions can be made, for example, by your organization, other organizations, your project partners, or individuals. Funding from other sources is also considered a contribution.
You must identify all contributions made to the project. Include the value of these contributions in your budget detail template. This is important as it shows that your organization, partners, and collaborators are engaged in the project.
Any contributions made by sources other than your organization must be accompanied by a letter confirming the contribution.
- Cash contributions must be used for project costs and activities tied to your project goals
- In-kind contributions are considered real contributions to the cost of the proposed project but aren’t reimbursable
- Examples include expert time and salary, services, or goods provided for the project.
- Salaries from individuals holding an academic position at a post-secondary institution working on the project must be counted as an in-kind contribution.
Limits of government assistance
If we approve your application, the total funding you get from us and any level of government (federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal) can’t exceed 100% of the total eligible project costs.
After you apply
Evaluation process
Accessibility Standards Canada will review and evaluate all application forms, budget detail templates and relevant documents. This evaluation will assess:
- how much the proposed activities support the program’s purpose, objectives and priorities
- the need for the proposed activities
- the qualifications and track record of the applicant
- the demonstration of the support/funding required for success
- the value for money
We will notify all organizations of the outcome of this evaluation by March 2025. The program aims to finalize the process and have funding agreements signed for approved projects to start in April 2025.
Send your questions by email to
Funding decisions
Accessibility Standards Canada determines the eligibility of each applicant, each project, and all project-related expenses.
All decisions regarding eligibility and approval for funding are final.
C. What to expect if you receive funding
Here is information on how you could receive your funding, what we expect you to do throughout the project, and a few other important requirements. Not all requirements are listed here; we will provide more information to successful applicants once we sign a funding agreement.
How we provide funding
If we approve your project, we will assess the application form and budget template. Then we will decide if the project will be funded through a grant or a contribution funding agreement.
Funding agreement
This is the contract between the project recipient and Accessibility Standards Canada. It outlines the terms and conditions you agree to by receiving a grant or contribution funding. It also outlines the goal of your project and includes specific reporting and evaluation requirements, depending on the funding type. The project recipient and Accessibility Standards Canada will sign the agreement.
Reporting requirements
If we approve your project for funding, you will have to follow specific reporting requirements throughout your project. Those requirements include performance reporting and financial reporting. All reporting requirements and conditions will be detailed in the funding agreement.
Performance reporting
Performance reporting tracks the progress and the results of the project. We use it to assess the performance of funded recipients and their project. All funding recipients must submit:
- Regular activity reports
- These are period-specific summaries of project activities, participants, partnerships and expected results (and the progress made towards the expected results)
- The reports also confirm the recipient’s ongoing capacity and eligibility to the program
- Your funding agreement will indicate the reporting frequency
- A final activity report on the results achieved
- This report will be due 2 months after the end date of the project
Accessibility Standards Canada will provide report templates for both reports.
Financial reporting
These reports detail how the project recipient has spent the funding to date. They also list expected future expenses. We use this information to calculate payments. It also ensures that recipients spend funds as set out in the funding agreement.
All recipients who receive funding through a contribution agreement from Accessibility Standards Canada must submit the following:
- Regular financial reports
- Recipients must submit these throughout the project
- Reports must detail how recipients spent funds to date and outline expected future expenses
- These reports are mandatory to receive funding
- Accessibility Standards Canada will provide financial report templates
- Audited financial report (see “Eligible expenses” section for more details)
At the end of the project, funding recipients must provide a full list of the contributions received from other sources that contributed to the project.
Official languages requirements
We’re committed to promoting the use of English and French in Canada. We also support measures that enhance the vitality of official language minority communities. If you receive funding, you agree to follow our official languages’ requirements. These are set out in your application and in the funding agreement.
Funding recipients must agree to:
- make announcements to the public about the project in both official languages
- provide their project-related services and documents in both official languages
- encourage members of both official language communities to participate in the project
- provide services that meet the needs of both official language communities when appropriate
Intellectual property
Funding recipients will own any intellectual property that they or a third party create related to their project. Sometimes, this intellectual property may be helpful to Canadians. For this purpose, Accessibility Standards Canada has shared use of this intellectual property, provided that doing so wouldn’t be damaging to the recipient.
Shared use could mean further use of the data for research purposes. It may also mean publishing the intellectual property on a Government of Canada website or in printed documents
Acknowledgement of financial assistance
Funded recipients must publicly acknowledge that they have received funding from Accessibility Standards Canada. They must do it in English and French. This must appear in all project-related communications, materials, and promotional activities. Other related requirements may be included in your funding agreement. Consult Accessibility Standards Canada’s website to find guidance on how, where, and when to acknowledge the funding received.
D. Glossary of terms
Terms used on this page
Accessibility means barrier-free access. It gives every person an equal opportunity to participate in society—regardless of disability.
Accessibility standard
Standards guide the activities of organizations in a way that is consistent across sectors. It means that people can expect the same level of service or the same quality of products. Accessibility standards are intended to remove barriers. They ensure that people with disabilities can fully and equitably participate in society.
A barrier is anything that makes it harder for someone with a disability or functional limitation to participate fully and equitably in society. Barriers come in many forms. They may be physical, architectural, technological, or attitudinal. They may relate to information or communication. They may also be a result of a policy or practice.
The Accessible Canada Act defines disability as “any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication, or sensory impairment—or a functional limitation—whether permanent, temporary, or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society.”
National disability organization
These organizations help people with disabilities participate in society. Under this program, they must have a national mandate and conduct activities in 4 or more provinces or territories. They may work in partnership with other organizations or have offices in different provinces or territories.
Partnerships are collaborative arrangements between an organization that received funding and an individual or another organization. They can include both financial and in-kind contributions. Partners can’t be a member of the applicant’s organization. Partnerships can include collaborations with any of the following:
- other research organizations with complementary mandates
- organizations that specialize in certain aspects of research (for example, data collection, survey facilitation, development of specialized software, financial matters)
Research priorities
Specific priority research areas
The effect of climate change on people with disabilities
Climate change refers to long-term shifts in average climate conditions. This includes temperature and weather pattern changes in a region over a long period of time.
The impacts of climate change are complex and touch on most aspects of society. Yet, it doesn’t affect all people in the same way. Climate change affects some communities disproportionally, including people with disabilities. This research priority is about ensuring that:
- all people in Canada are included equally in preparing for the impacts of climate change
- factors that make individuals and communities more vulnerable to these impacts are identified and addressed
- efforts to address climate change are fair and inclusive
Climate change and crises bring many challenges. We can reduce vulnerability to these challenges by making sure that everyone, including those with disabilities, is considered and their needs are addressed.
The impact of legal capacity on access to federal or federally regulated programs and services
This research priority refers to the impact that legal capacity can have on the ability of a person with disabilities to access federal or federally regulated programs and services. It also refers on reducing barriers that prevent people from accessing services because of their legal capacity.
“Legal capacity” generally means a person is recognized by law and can:
- make decisions about their own life
- exercise their rights
- access civil systems and court systems
- enter into contracts
- speak on their own behalf
A person with capacity can understand the information needed to make a decision. They are also able to realize they may be held accountable for such decisions.
However, a person can be found to lack legal capacity. This means they can lose the right to make decisions for themselves. This could apply to a specific instance or period of time, or it could be permanent. In that case, someone else will make decisions for them and may be held accountable for those decisions.
“Federal or federally regulated programs and services” means any programs and services offered by the federal government or federally regulated organizations. These programs and services help Canadians meet their financial, personal, social, and emotional needs. They may support either individuals or businesses.
Office furniture and its design
This research priority refers to ensuring office furniture is designed in a way that helps people with disabilities perform their work-related tasks efficiently and comfortably, in line with their individual needs.
Office furniture is any type of equipment used in an office environment. The equipment helps workers have a functional and comfortable workspace that meets their needs.
Plain language in contract writing
This research focuses on ensuring that people with disabilities can have access to plain language contract documents without losing important information.
Contracts, which are legally binding agreement between 2 or more people or organizations, are often economic exchange of goods and services. However, they are usually written with legal terms and rarely simplified in plain language.
The International Plain Language Federation defines plain language as follows:
“A communication is in plain language if its wording, structure, and design are so clear that the intended audience can:
- easily find what they need to
- understand what they find, and
- use that information.”
Plain language fosters clear, accessible, and inclusive communication. It helps ensure that everyone, including people with disabilities, understand information easily. It also ensures that everyone can access and read critical information.
Travel experience at the federal level; for example, travel by air, train, ferry, and bus (when the bus or ferry route crosses a provincial border), including the experience of people with cognitive disabilities
This research priority focuses on identify, prevent, and remove barriers in travel experiences at the federal level for all, including people with disabilities. Everyone is entitled to an accessible travel journey that respects their needs.
Travel experience means all levels of the transportation journey. This includes:
- at the departure point
- during travel
- during passenger connections
- to the same mode of transportation
- to other modes of (federal-level) transportation
- at the destination
Travel journey refers to the movement of both people and their belongings, including any accessibility-related devices.
Travel at the federal level can mean:
- methods of transportation that are under federal jurisdiction, such as travel by air or train
- interprovincial journeys (for example, bus or ferry travel that crosses provincial or territorial borders)
There are common areas where people with disabilities may experience barriers to accessibility when travelling. These include, but aren’t limited to:
- paths of travel (for example, from parking or drop-off zones to terminals)
- washrooms
- emergency egress (exit)
- luggage carousels
- security screenings
- communications (including terminal and gate announcements, boarding information, in-service entertainment and communication, and general communication with employees)
- customer services
- online services and technologies, including:
- websites
- self-service counters
- check-in processes
- boarding, including the handling of assistive devices, shuttles, and transfers
- services such as service counters, food kiosks, and retail shops
Priority areas identified in the Accessible Canada Act
Built environment
This research priority refers to the need to make built environment accessible.
A built environment is a physical area built by people for human activity. This includes buildings and urban spaces where people live, work, play, or visit.
For example, an accessible design removes barriers to accessibility for individuals who:
- Use mobility devices. For example, designs that include elevators, ramps, and automatic doors and that ensure adequate space.
- Have sensory or cognitive needs. For example, designs that remove barriers by:
- using lighting, sounds, or textures
- limiting or removing scents or causes of sensory overload
- providing visual, auditory, or tactile cues
- Require wayfinding assistance. For example:
- visual signage and cues such as symbols, large print, and contrast
- audible or tactile signage and cues, such as Braille and textures
Communication, other than information and communication technologies
This research priority refers to ensuring that people with disabilities have access to communication tools that support both giving and receiving information.
Communication is a 2-way process that happens when people give and receive information in face-to-face interactions. It also includes:
- reading and understanding written information (such as on websites and social media)
- completing and signing forms and documents
It excludes the development of the tools themselves. For example, providing access to:
- different communication methods (such as in person, on the phone, in writing, online, or via video)
- alternative format (such as accessible websites, print, Braille, plain language texts), and processes such as an electronic signature option
- sign language interpretation (American Sign Language, Langue des signes québécoise, Indigenous Sign Language)
Design and delivery of programs and services
This relates to the need for organizations to consider accessibility when planning, creating, implementing, and delivering programs and services. An important aspect of this is involving persons with disabilities in the design and delivery process.
This research priority refers to accessibility in the context of employment. For example:
- having accessibility features in the workplace (such as offering flexible schedules and providing access to accessible technology)
- eliminating barriers related to attitudes in the workplace (due to, for example, discrimination, lack of knowledge, or lack of awareness training)
- making recruitment, retention, and promotion more accessible by, for example:
- including accessibility features in the hiring process
- correcting situations where few or no persons with disabilities have been hired or serve in management roles
- providing accessible employment for youth with disabilities transitioning from school to work
Employment is when someone receives money in exchange for work for an employer.
Information and communication technologies
This refers to any communication device that enables people to access, store, transmit, understand, or use information. These technologies include:
- radio, television, cell phones, satellite systems
- computer and network hardware
- services such as video conferencing and distance learning
- analogue technology, such as paper communication
- any form of technology that transmits information
This research priority refers to projects that address technology-related barriers that affect the accessibility of a technology that facilitates communication. It excludes projects aimed at developing such technologies.
This research priority relates to the need for organizations to consider accessibility and barriers when buying goods, services, or facilities that people with disabilities will be using.
Procurement of goods, services, and facilities
This research priority focuses on buying goods, services, and facilities by and for the federal government, for the use of the federal government and Canadians.
This refers to the action of transporting someone or something from one destination to another, or the process of being transported.
This research priority relates to the accessibility of transportation policies and programs. It also refers to providing access to, and the accessibility of, transportation modes that are federally regulated.